Saturday, November 14, 2009

College Dating Dos and Dont's

Going off to college is a brand new experience for many people and the excitement of the beginning of a whole new life can cause some major dating disasters. Here are some TRIED AND TRUE quick tips about dating in college. Trust us, we've been there.

Ladies DOs:

_Do realize that there's a reason the first question student health centers ask ladies is 1.Are you pregnant, followed only by 2.It's Mono.

_Do remember to wear clothing, AKA things that cover your ahems and your uhum, at your place. You never know which roomy's guy friends will drop by.

_Do carry pepperspray or some kind of injury-causing device with you at all times.

_1 night stands are fun, Chlamydia is not. DO use protection always and everytime.

Ladies DONT's:

_Don't answer a "lets hang out" text after 10 pm. It's a booty call...but nothing ITS A BOOTY CALL.

_Don't go over to his place if you don't want anything to happen.

_Don't get so drunk at parties that your date has to take care of you, it's a real turn off.

_Don't mess around with athletes, EVERYONE WILL KNOW.

_Don't hook up with anyone in your classes until after the class is over, especially if it's a smaller class. Do you really want to be stuck in an awkward situation for the entire semester?

_Don't waste energy or time picking out lingerie, college guys really don't care as long as it's coming off.

Guys DOs:

_Do keep your place clean, if it's nasty don't expect her to come in let alone stay long.

_Do stock up on movies, they're a great way to entice someone to come over.

_Do your laundry!

_Do earn a girl's trust by acting as her body gaurd around campus when it gets dark; especially if you've got late classes together.

_Do decorate! Those naughty posters on your walls are hot.

Guys Dont's:

_Don't leave out the Playboy, you want her to think you've got a life.

_Don't gorge yourself on junkfood. Coupled with the alcohol consumption, you're going to get fat.

_Unless you want to be paying for cabs all the time, don't forget to take your car with you.

_Don't forget to stock your fridge with items OTHER THAN BEER...whiskey and vodka tend to do the job quicker.

Well there you have it. Be safe and HAVE FUN! :)

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