Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Food for Thought

Here are the TOP TEN FOODS every college student should have on-hand:

1. Avocados: If you buy them unripened, they can last for weeks.

2. Oatmeal: Cold or hot, with milk or water, sweetened or mixed with fruit, oatmeal is great for breakfast or a healthy snack. Try the individual flavor packs.

3. Cup-of-noodles: Although it's not the healthiest option, it is a quick fix and can be a life, or hunger-pang, saver.

4. Bananas: These convenient fruits pack so much carbohydrates that just one can actually curb hunger for at least an hour!

5. Hot Pockets and microwave dinners: With the use of a toaster oven and microwave, these types of small delights can actually make a tasty and filling meal.

6. Pasta: Easy to make and delicious with a variety of sauces.

7. Frozen chicken breasts: Thaw these out, cook them with some pepper and salt, boil some pasta and voila! You've got a meal.

8. Toast: You can buy this in bulk and keep it fresh for weeks in the freezer.

9. Hummus: Both filling and great as a healthy snack. (Try Cosco's)

10. Peanut butter and jelly: A classic combination for those home-sick days. Filling and stays fresh for long periods of time.

***Bonus Super-Food: Nuts! Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts and Walnuts, to name a few, are nutritious and make amazing snacks when eaten with raisins.


Lettuce: Pre-cut lettuce can go bad in just a few days. Stick to lettuce heads and Romaine lettuce.

Large milk cartons: If you can, buy individual sized milk cartons as larger ones are often too big for one person and, unless you're an avid milk drinker, will spoil before you've had a chance to use them.
(Soy milk and almond milk stay fresh for weeks longer than regular milk.)

Eggs: If you didn't know, EGGS CAN GO BAD. The typical dozen egg cartons are usually too large for individuals. Try to get half a dozen.

Large amounts of junk food: This is just never a good idea. Try to mix healthy foods with the not-so-healthy ones in your diet. Keep it balanced.

Bon Appetite! :)

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