Thursday, November 12, 2009

Graduating CSUN On Time: Tips and Advice

With the recession in full swing, budget cuts are making it extremely difficult for students in California's Cal State school system to get the classes they need to graduate on time.

Below is a list of proven techniques that will help you get a bachelors from CSUN in 4 years. These tips can also help those in other Cal State schools reach their graduation deadline goals.
Tips for Graduating CSUN On Time:

1. Join a club or sport; you’ll get priority registration.

2. Take as many summer classes as possible. Take them at local JCs if your Cal State is full.

3. Save money by taking summer classes at local JCs.

4. Finish up your GEs ASAP by taking extra classes at your local JC.

5. Pick a major early and stick to it.

6. Talk to advisers and know exactly which classes you need to complete your major.

7. Avoid having to repeat classes by finding out which professors are easier to pass; an A is an A.

8. Make sure to go to professor office hours to kiss up for a better grade. Don’t make it obvious.

9. Don’t work full time.

10. Don't let 6 am classes deter you. If you need it, take it. You'll get through it.

11. Don’t focus on scheduling breaks into your schedule. Pack to-go lunches.

12. If a class is full upon registration and you need it, show up to the class early and every day until registration for the class is officially closed.

13. Complain to administration if a class is only taking a hand full of people when there is room for more. Do it with a group of students for more effectiveness.

14. Make lots of friends in your major. Ask people with earlier registration dates to save you a spot. Then agree on a day and time when they can drop the class so that you can add it. Hey, it works.

15. If adding the class you need doesn't work, make sure the professor is teaching the class the next semester and keep in touch with them. Most give priority to the people who keep trying. Again, it works.

Remember that priority is given by the number of units. Those with more units, usually seniors, have higher priority. Dedication is the real key to putting yourself on the fast track to graduating on time and starting your career. Follow these tips and you won't get stuck.

1 comment:

  1. As someone who attended CSUN for two years (I'm currently back home taking courses at CC so I can transfer to a REAL college), I cannot even begin to explain how FUCKING RELIEVED I was at being able to get out of that place. In case you're wondering, I left after spring 2009, right before the serious budget cuts screwed everyone over.

    Here's my advice to CSUN students: get out of CSUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Then, go to the bookstore or library and get a copy of "Colleges That Change Lives" by Loren Pope. Select a school from the book that most appeals to you, and apply to transfer. TRUST ME THIS WORKS. CSUN will not give you a true education. It's set up in such a way that it holds students back from their true potentials. The only things they will teach you are how to be a number and how to take orders from a boss. This is not learning; it is preparation for wage slavery. Do what I'm doing and transfer to a real school that will give you your money's worth (most of the schools in CTCL are easy to get into and love giving out $$$$ to students in need, seeing as they are neither "name schools" nor "rich kid schools"). DO IT.
